Get your Dem on this June & July

Young Dems,

We had so much fun at the #MOLEGDebrief last week! Thanks for showing up and staying engaged on the issues. We had a good discussion on the minimum wage battle, voter ID laws, and the 2017 Special Session.

MAD PROPS to our fantastic panel of legislators who fight for our Democratic values in Jefferson City: Sen. Scott Sifton, Rep. Michael Butler, Rep. Jamilah Nasheed, Rep. Peter Merideth, Rep. Cora Faith Walker, and Rep. Bruce Franks. (And thanks to Rep. Josh Peters for coming out to support!)

Another BIG THANK YOU to our moderator: Missouri Democratic Party Executive Director, Emily Waggoner!

We have more summer events for you... learn more below!

Best, Elise

Elise Miller Hoffman President St. Louis Young Democrats

Tues 6/20: 28th Ward Endorsement Mtg

Tuesday, June 20, 2017 7:00 pm, Llywelyn's Pub - Side Room 4747 McPherson Ave, St. Louis, MO 63108 RSVP on the Facebook Event *Open to the public, only members as of 6/6/17 can vote

The St. Louis Young Democrats will endorse a candidate for the 28th Ward Alderman Special Election taking place July 11, 2017. During the endorsement meeting, candidates who completed the Young Dems Endorsement Questionnaire will have an opportunity to seek the organization's endorsement and speak to membership.

The Democratic Central Committee has nominated Heather Navarro as the Democratic Candidate in the race. Since there are is not a Democratic Primary in a Special Election, we invite Independent Candidates who identify as Democrats to seek endorsement, in addition to the Democratic Candidate.

Members that are in good standing by June 6, 2017 will have the opportunity to vote using an electronic ballot that will be emailed Sunday, June 18th and will close at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, July 20, 2017.

Sun 6/25: Join the MDP Pride Parade

Sunday, July 25, 2017 Come at 11:00 am, Parade starts at 12:00 pm SIGN UP TO JOIN THE MDP FLOATRSVP & Invite Friends on the Facebook Event *Members-only event: Become a member now

June is Pride Month and we are getting excited for all of the PrideFest 2017 events taking place June 23-25th downtown.

Join the St. Louis Young Democrats in the annual Pride Parade! We are looking for volunteers to join the Missouri Democratic Party float. The parade will begin at 8th and Market and travel West on Market past Tucker to 18th Street. Come celebrate the LGBT community in your brightest colors!

Tues, 7/11 July Meeting: Right to Work

Tuesday, July 11, 2017 @ 7:00 pm The Pat Connolly Tavern (6400 Oakland) RSVP & Learn More on the Facebook Event *Open to the public

Join us for our July Meeting. We will hear from speakers who will explain what Right to Work is and why it is important for Missouri workers.

Sat, 7/15 Kickball: Battle of the Wards

Saturday, July 15, 2017 12:00 pm at Tower Grove Park *Members-only event: Become a member now

Step 1: Sign up for the Young Dems team (before June 25th deadline!) Step 2:Pay the $35 Registration Fee (includes t-shirt, beer & food!) Step 3: Invite Friends on the Facebook Event

The St. Louis Young Democrats are fielding a team for the Second Annual Battle of the Wards Kickball Tournament! Kickball starts promptly at noon, and check-in is at the Gurney Picnic Area. Championship Game with Awards Ceremony to immediately follow at 5:00 PM.

We need 10 people to form a team. Come one, come all, but sign up soon! The Young Dems sign up deadline is Sunday, June 25th at 11:59 pm.

All proceeds benefit our endorsed Democratic Alderwoman, Megan Green.


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